Remote Solutions - Dataironworks

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Remote Solutions

Plans & Pricing

Break/Fix - $95 Per Session
This plan is fairly straightforward and basic. When an  has occurred the application Agent can be downloaded and installed providing a code and passkey required for remote connectivity. Once the session is over the application would then uninstall itself. This is also called Attended Access.

Remote Monitoring - $50 Per Month
This is a more permanent solution and would be used more on the server or critical workstation side. Sessions are kept alive all the time so the server status, backups and maintenance can be performed or monitored. In many cases this plan can be attached to current back up plans already in place. This is also called Unattended Access.

Best Effort
Please note that remote desktop sessions are a "best effort" service. Since there are thousands of different issues that can crop up during a session or even prevent a session from connecting this has to be noted. With this said a failed session can provide a tremendous amount of information on the failure allowing a better understanding of what's going on. Having a good idea of what's going on beforehand is just good practice. The possibilities of a problem causing an issue with a remote session are high so the more symptoms provided the better result of a resolution. In situations were a session has not produced results will be looked at on a case by case basis. of course there are just some things that both remote, onsite and even workbench repairs  cannot solve.

In order for a remote session to occur there are some requirements necessary for this to happen:

A good stable Internet connection (Internet & Network issues may require an onsite visit.)
Full access to the system involved (Human interruption may cause more problems.)
Passwords for both the system and any applications involved (Please have this information available before session.)

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